Tuesday, June 10, 2003

This post is to ensure that I have a higher frequency of posting than Scott, who posts very infrequently, choosing, instead, to post his tears on the basement floor, wetting his Juliana Theory posters. My excuse is this. Unlike Scott, I spent almost no time in my basement (where the computer is) in the last two weeks. I had relatives over, first my mother's two sisters, and then my father's parents. They slept in the basement on a pullout sofa. This has also meant that I have drummed only once. Anne mentions it in her blog; well, not my drumming specifically, but the first meeting of Satan Tonight, née The Masters of Awesome. Roger Awesome brought his electric piano and played goth-disco chords, to which Scott added his angry-sounding guitar (his amp allowed only feedback noises), and Anne imperceptably played keyboard bass ("it sounded really good from where I was standing").

Apparantly, J. Spaceman heard us play, because he sent me an e-mail offering me a job replacing Spiritualized's touring drummer, who has blood cancer. No, really, he did. I'm not going to give you proof, because I don't want to substantiate any rumors. I only want to start them. Now I only hope someone is out there searching for Spiritualized news, comes upon this page, and posts this information on Spiritualized's messageboard. And then that hipster guy who had just bought a band t-shirt will read it and tell random people at the next show why they only played for an hour, and why they will be playing much longer (and more rocking) shows in the near future once Jason finishes negotiating with me (I'm demanding no fewer than three groupies, songwriting credit on the next album, a more prominent position on stage, at least three shows with GWAR as the opening act, and a studio apartment in New York City, in midtown, within two blocks of my favorite pizza parlor. If you support my efforts, lobby your congresspersons).

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