Monday, June 23, 2003

John Polewach has sent me two e-mails in which he questions Dylan's legacy (with no logical support) and claims to no longer listen to anything pre-1979 except for Astral Weeks and Pet Sounds. He also listed Mark E. Smith as an excellent lyricist, and professed love for the second album by The Verve. This is classic John, and also very disturbing. If anyone would be interested in reading these e-mails, I'd be happy to send them to you.

In other news, three St. John's Annapolis tutors were up for tenure this year. It was granted to Ms. Pheffer and Mr. Badger, and denied to Mr. Larsen (who is appealing). There is no justice in the world.

I am currently reading the New York Times from Saturday, June 14. It is my goal to read all the papers (the A section, anyway) from the month of June. I have not so much as looked at the papers more recent than June 14. Wish me luck, and godspeed.

Also, today I attended a preliminary meeting for a seminar-style bookclub, held at Laura Manion's house. We will be meeting next Sunday at 7 pm, at Laura's house in Olney, MD, to discuss . . . drumroll, please . . . A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I guess that means Dave Eggers may make the Program in our lifetime. Anyone who is interested (well, that would probably be limited to Scott and Anne, possibly Martin--I'm just guessing he wouldn't have time but he's every bit as invited as Scott and Anne, I'd provide transportation; Noah, my only other reader as far as I know, is in all likelihood too far away, and at any rate excluded for being Jewish), let's get it on and make this the indiest bookclub ever.

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