Friday, June 13, 2003

Scott, you had better stop shaming me with your more frequent blogging. Two nights in a row. One more and you have a pattern. Then where will I be? Where's my distinction? How can I live with myself? Not that I don't enjoy actually being able to read new posts on your blog. As a matter of fact, please do blog every night. Even the nights when you're too lorn to do anything but cry. Just get online and tell the world about it. You'll be a famous writer yet. Then you won't need indie girls, but will have lots of them. You'll forget that you ever knew me, you'll pass by when you see me on the street, and I'll stop by your house every night to peer in the window and watch you blog. Blog, Scott, blog to your heart's content, because you can't possibly satiate me. Blog until your fingers have callouses, and your keyboard is broken; then go to someone else's computer and continue blogging, and I'll come by and fix your keyboard so you can blog more comfortably. May your blogs be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the beaches. Blog like you mean it.

But still you will have Anne to compete with. Yeah, you don't really have a chance at beating Anne. You should really just give up this whole blogging thing.

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