Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The temp computers here sound like old lawnmower engines with sawdust in them. Also, I just heard a guy tell someone named Paul that he could just call his voicemail because "we're gonna jump into the Conference Room". I'm going to go check whether the Conference Room has been converted into a pool.


anne said...

wow, i totally misread that line of spam as 'eat people all day and melt away!'

it's also possible your conference room has been turned into a trampoline. or maybe a moonbounce.

Anonymous said...

dude, "eat all day and melt away" almost sounds like a killer unreleased spiritualized jam to me.

speaking of music, we should get our collective shit together and do something with this:

i need new aural pleasures, man.

j naughty-trix with a .3006