Friday, May 02, 2003

We're fucked, aren't we? Israel has gone 180, with a peace-minded Palestinian leader unable to make any inroads with the blowhard Sharon. Bush said the war in Iraq is over, and declared the massively embarrasing debacle to be the first victory in the "war on terror." It's been discovered that SARS remains in the bodies of those who have "recovered". And Congress is all set to give into Bush and topple our teetering economy. There's some natural disaster nearly every day, most recently an earthquake in Turkey that killed at least 100 people. (Not to mention the people, at least 44, who died in South Africa when a bus veered off a road and crashed into a resovoir.) Oh, and the IRA still isn't disarming fully. And it's kind of trite in the face of all this, but the music industry is continuing its wrongheaded attack on mp3s. And then there's the insidious trend of the Bush administration slowly revoking civil rights (they're now requesting a larger domestic role for the CIA and the Pentagon, attempting to give them the right to subpoena Internet providers, libraries, credit card companies and the like to produce material such as phone records, bank transactions, e-mail coorspondences, borrowed books . . .).

In other news, Scott and I are planning to hold a pro-war rally tomorrow at UMBC campus. I will have signs saying "More Blood for Oil", "Jump on the Bombing Bandwagon!", and "This Scud's for You, Syria!". Anyone who wants to come should e-mail Scott very quickly and hope that he reads it in time.

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