Tuesday, May 06, 2003

I slept for twenty hours, from 9pm Sunday until 4pm Monday. I had fallen asleep listening to the Dog on Wheels EP for the first time. I had slept well the night before, and hadn't done anything much on Sunday. I suppose I'm just losing the will to live, Asuka-like, now that I can no longer synchronize with my Eva.

Several weeks ago, I told a girl at work, named Melanie, that she should join my band. She was about the fifth person I had told (not including Scott and Anne), and I didn't expect anything. She plays drums and guitar, and this could be useful. Today, she came up to me and said, "I'm going to join your band!"

I said, "Okay, but I'll have to run it by the other band members." Then over my break I thought we would need some sort of audition, so when I saw her again I said, "You can join once you can play every guitar lick on The Velvet Underground." I handed it to her, but she said she should just buy it, since it's probably good. Well, I don't know, guys. At first she thought The Velvet Underground was the name of our band. That doesn't sound good. But then, should she actually buy it and learn to play all the guitar parts, she should have no trouble playing anything we think of.

"Get out of the city, and into the sunshine.
Get out of the office, and into the springtime."

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