Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"'From what rich soil does creativity bloom?' OK, I know that one. Self-hatred and a creepy hunger for approval." Bing! That was from an interview with a guy named Tom Peyer, who writes comic books and also humor pieces for Slate and the New York Times, and blogs.

And yes, that's probably the best description of why I want to write that I've ever seen. Weird, isn't it? But yes, for some reason I have a huge respect for good writers, and it looks from my cramped perspective as though writers must necessarily have overcome something, have conquered themselves. All creative people, really. They're in touch with themselves and the world, and they are able to craft something in whatever medium they use and put it forward as a new creation, and oh, how sublime! Really, that's how it seems to me.

And if I could finish things I write, I'd be able to give something that feels like a piece of me and have people's comments on it, hopefully approving comments, and perhaps people would respect me and be in awe of me the way I currently am of writers.

But of course I don't actually have these insights, and haven't made anything that I can show to people for my creepy need for validation. Better make them up! And that's where creativity comes from.

I'm just amazed by this quotation Tom Peyer slung off at the end of an interview. I've never seen this idea put so well and succinctly.

1 comment:

anne said...

if you wrote more, i would love you more.