Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lately I switched my reading habits from blogs to a news aggregator called truthout. I'm a bit conflicted about this site and others like it, since they don't give any revenue to the providers of the content (usually mainstream news sources, with a healthy dose of smaller journals like Mother Jones and In These Times). I've been thinking recently about the things discussed in articles like this one by Eric Alterman; namely that the internet is a really good source for independent political commentary, but its chances of picking up the slack from newspapers is slim. Most likely the news sources of the new century will be inward-looking and local, and broken in disparate pieces which would lack the power the last century's newspapers had to put focus on particular issues.

Anyway, it's late and I don't have the energy to write much more, but I'm going to try to keep up this blog again from now on and I thought I might as well start now.

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